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    What is Shirodhara?

    by | Ayurvedic Treatment

    Shirodhara is a classic Ayurvedic treatment that involves pouring of oil to the forehead. The word Shirodhara is composed of two sanskrit words “shiro” (head) and “dhara” (flow). This treatment focus on the shoulders, neck, face and head. These areas are the most vulnerable to stress and tension. The continuous pouring of oil aimed at the head chakra which is the seat of consciousness and all sense organs, induces ease, a state of calm and tranquility.

    How is it done?

    After a preparatory massage. You will be assisted to lie on your back, relax and be in a comfortable position. A continuous stream of oil will run for approximately 15-20 minutes, and during this time you need to be still and avoid unnecessary movement, therefore, you must tell the therapist if you need a back support for your comfort.

    Once a comfortable, relaxed position is established. Warm oil is poured into the Shirodhara vessel.

    Eye covering will be placed. The vessel will be positioned above the forehead aiming at the Ajna chakra also where the Sthapani marma is.

    Your therapist will slowly open the vessel port allowing oil to gently pour down the forehead. The therapist will occasionally move the vessel slightly for a short moment to allow the oil to spread in your forehead and then leave it to stream continuously for 15-20 minutes.

    A sense of stillness and complete relaxation can be expected, however some may experience the opposite especially if they are experiencing high levels of Vata imbalances. This is why it is important to have this treatment done by an experienced therapist.

    The treatment will continue with a calming head and face marma massage.

    What oil is used?

    The common oil used are:

    • Sesame oil
    • Coconut oil
    • Neelyadee oil
    • Mahanarayana oil
    • Kumari oil

    Benefits of Shirodhara

    This treatment is particularly beneficial to those experiencing anxiety, high levels of stress, and insomnia.

    Check calendar below for availability and to book for Shirodhara treatment.

    Welcome to Kahlmah!


    My name is Rea, your Ayurvedic coach, and Ayurvedic therapist. At Kahlmah we believe health is our true wealth! We are passionate to share with you how Ayurveda can help to find balance in our lives. We hope you will find our posts useful. Enjoy!

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